Aparna RMC

Ready-mixed concrete for Agricultural Use

What makes RMC Certified Mix concrete for agricultural use better than normal mixes?
  • RMC Certified Mix has a specially designed mix for the agricultural industry and takes into account the anticipated traffic and varied climatic conditions in and around the farm.
Can I get a milk tanker in within 24 hours of placing?
  • Early trafficking by heavy vehicles will damage the new surface and may also cause serious cracking. Ideally, the concrete should not be subjected to vehicular use for seven days without protecting the surface. However, we have designed concretes to enable access at 24 hours. These concretes are specifically designed for rapid early strength and will require different handling techniques, so please call us to discuss.
Does the slab need steel reinforcement?
  • Unless the sub-base is unstable or weak, steel reinforcement will generally not be required. RMC Certified Mix ready-mixed concrete for agricultural use can contain fibres to control plastic shrinkage cracking and we can advise on joint location and spacing.
What type of surface finish do you recommend for a path or yard?
  • For vehicular traffic we would advise a normal tamped finish, but where livestock movement is anticipated then a heavy brush finish would be more appropriate.
  • A smooth power float finish will ensure that the surface can be cleaned easily. This will help to meet ACCS quality standards.
What type of surface finish do you recommend for livestock areas?
  • A brush finish is best suited to stock flooring and is what most farm building contractors will advise. This will aid slip resistance and increase abrasion resistance to mechanical damage.
What thickness of slab do I need and does it have to be reinforced?
  • A slab depth of 150mm is adequate. Structural reinforcement is not needed in a ground supported slab. 1stMix ready-mixed concrete for agricultural use can contain fibers to control plastic shrinkage cracking. If this is something you need please let us know when placing the order.
Can RMC Certified Mix concrete for agricultural use be trafficked by heavy delivery lorries?
  • Yes, RMC Certified Mix ready-mixed concrete for agricultural use has a highstrength mix. This produces a high-performance concrete which will withstand trafficking by lorries and is suitable for loaders. If this is something you need please let us know when placing the order.
Is all the RMC Certified Mix concrete for agricultural use options readily available?
  • Yes, they can be supplied from all our depots without any additional prior notice. Simply specify what your application is and our customer services team will help you select the most appropriate product for your specific application.
How can I be sure of the quantity of ready mixed concrete supplied?

Apparent ready mixed concrete shortages are caused by:

  1. Miscalculation of form volume or slab thickness when actual dimensions exceed the assumed dimensions by even a fraction.
  2. Deflection or distortion of the formwork.
  3. Irregular subgrade and its settlement.
  4. Smaller quantities wasted or used in incidental works for large pours.
To ensure sufficient supply of ready mixed concrete:
  1. Measure formwork accurately and order sufficient quantity to finish the job.
  2. For large pours, include an allowance of about 2% over planned dimensions to
    account for wastage, potential increased thickness, etc.
  3. Towards the end of large pours, carefully measure the remaining volume and
    confirm the closing quantity to the ready mixed concrete supplier.
Can I add water to the ready mixed concrete at the site?
  • NO! Restrain masons at the site. Do not force Transit Mixer Operators to add water to ready mixed concrete. Consequences of such actions can be severe. Properly designed ready mixed concrete contains optimum water. Inform the ready mixed concrete supplier if workability (slump) of ready mixed concrete is not as expected. If required, dosing of admixtures along with a small quantity of water would be done by the ready mixed concrete supplier´s technical personnel.
How do I ascertain the quality of ready mixed concrete?
  • Ready mixed concrete mixes are supplied only after exhaustive laboratory and plant trials. 
  • To ensure consistent quality, incoming raw materials are regularly tested. Sampling and testing of ready mixed concrete is done every day as per Codal stipulations. At our Bamburi Ready Mix Concrete, we invite you to visit our laboratories to witness the process.
What is the duration for which the ready mixed concrete remains usable?

Depending on the workability, the ready mixed concrete might be usable for up to 3 hours.

Is there any time limit for unloading of ready mixed concrete at site?

International Standards specify that ready mixed concrete must be discharged from the transit mixer truck within 2 hours of the time of loading. It is also mandatory to make arrangements at site to ensure that full load of ready mixed concrete is discharged within 30 minutes of arrival on site.

What are the dimensions of transit mixers?

The transit mixers are about 9 m long, 2.5 m wide and 3.8 m high

How much does a truck weigh?

A truck weighs 10 tons when it is empty and 25 tons when it is fully loaded with ready mixed concrete.

How do pumps work?

Pumps are designed to facilitate pumping of ready mixed concrete through the pipeline under high hydraulic pressure. When ready mixed concrete is pushed through the pipeline, it is separated from pipe line wall by a lubricating layer of cement, water and fine aggregates. Ready mixed concrete should have enough cohesiveness and workability for the mix to move easily through pipeline, bends, reducers and hoses.

How is concrete measured?
  • Concrete is measured by the cubic meter. One cubic meter of normal concrete will weigh about 2.4T/m3.
My concrete has oil/grease stains. How can I get rid of them?
  • Commercial products are available in paint/hardware home centers. Sprinkle with tri-sodium phosphate. Allow to stand for 30 minutes, then scrub with a stiff brush and hot water. Rinse with clean water. Scrub stain with concentrated detergent using a stiff brush. Rinse well with water. Dry and repeat if necessary. Sprinkle dishwasher detergent on wet concrete. Let it stand a few minutes, then pour boiling water on the area. Scrub and rinse. Dissolve a cup tri-sodium phosphate in 1 gallon of hot water. Pour over stained concrete surface and allow soaking for 25 minutes. Scrub with stiff brush or broom. Rinse with clean water. Repeat if necessary. 
What is fly ash?

Fly ash is a byproduct of coal combustion. Most commonly the material is produced by coal fired electrical generating facilities. Fly ash is a cementatious material, meaning it has certain properties that cause it to harden upon exposure to water. Typically, fly ash does not develop much compressive strength on its own. However, in the presence of Portland cement, fly ash can develop strength characteristics very similar to cement. The fly ash reacts with a chemical by-product of the cement hydration reaction called calcium hydroxide -CaOH-. CaOH can cause deleterious effects in concrete such as increased porosity and efflorescence -the formation of calcium carbonate crystals on the concrete or mortar surface-. Because fly ash reacts with the calcium hydroxide to form more calcium silicate hydrate -the binder derivative of cement- fly ash actually adds strength to the concrete and helps to remove an agent that may be harmful. Fly ash is also particularly beneficial for use in hot weather as it tends to slow the generation of heat in the concrete.

What is the difference between cement and concrete?
  • It’s simple. Concrete is used for the finished products, such as structures, foundations, and the surface of many roads. Concrete contains sand, gravel and cement. Cement is the special hardening ingredient (the gray powder) that makes concrete harden. Cement is usually made of 60% lime (limestone), 25% silica, 5% alumina, and 10% other materials, such as gypsum and iron oxide. (Content provided by the Mineral Information Institute, © 2002 www.mii.org) 
What strength concrete is normally used for the slab under a house?
  • Typical mixes are around 8 – 20n/mm2, depending on the geography of the country and the quality of the raw materials. Sometimes we are asked if a different weight should be used for the garage area. This is not really necessary. Usually the biggest load on a slab is the heaving from the sub grade and not the structure on top of it (or the car). 
Can I obtain advice on the correct type of concrete to be used?
  • Yes, providing there is no structural requirement we can advise on the types
    of mixes to be used for most jobs. – See more at:
Are there quality standards for concrete?

Yes. CEMEX Concrete is produced to British & European Standards 

How long will the truck-mixer wait at site?
  • Because of the scheduling of deliveries, it is helpful to release the truck as quickly as possible. The normal time allowed is ten minutes plus five minutes for each cubic metre. Therefore a full load of 6m3 could be at site for forty minutes before an additional charge is applied. 
My concrete is cracking after only a short period. Is there something wrong with it and can it be repaired?
  • All concrete cracks. It has to crack because it contracts during the drying, curing, hardening process, and the bond between the cement paste and the aggregates is not strong enough to withstand that stress. The best way to prevent unsightly cracking is to put joints in your concrete at regular intervals. A good formula is to measure the depth of your structure and multiply the number by three. Use this number to determine the approximate number of feet between joints. (For example, a 100mm slab of concrete should have joints every 3 to 3.5 meters.) Uneven shifting of the substructure or sub grade can also cause cracking. This is a structural failure, as opposed to improper curing or jointing as mentioned above. Before repairing any concrete cracking, determine the source of the cracking and remedy that first. Epoxy grout is an excellent crack repair agent. For more information call our Product Support Helpline 0800 667 827
What types of concrete does CEMEX offer?
  • CEMEX offers a wide variety of high quality products such as Performance Concrete, Durable Concrete, High Strength Concrete, Pavement Concrete, Light Weight and Heavy Weight Concrete, Grouts, Architectural Concrete, and Customized Concrete. See our “Special Products”
How do I stain/paint my concrete floor?
  • Any paint store will have concrete stain or paint. Discuss how you want the floor to look and what function it will perform with the paint store manager, and he/she should be able to recommend the appropriate stain/paint.
Why do concrete surfaces flake and spall?

Concrete surfaces can flake or spall for one or more of the following reasons:

  • In areas of the country that are subjected to freezing and thawing the concrete should be air-entrained to resist flaking and scaling of the surface. If air-entrained concrete is not used, there will be subsequent damage to the surface. The water/cement ratio should be as low as possible to improve durability of the surface. Too much water in the mix will produce a weaker, less durable concrete that will contribute to early flaking and spalling of the surface. The finishing operations should not begin until the water sheen on the surface is gone and excess bleed water on the surface has had a chance to evaporate. If this excess water is worked into the concrete because the finishing operations are begun too soon, the concrete on the surface will have too high a water content and will be weaker and less durable.
What is the difference between cement and concrete?
  • Although the terms cement and concrete often are used interchangeably, cement is actually an ingredient of concrete. Concrete is basically a mixture of aggregates and paste. The aggregates are sand and gravel or crushed stone; the paste is water and portland cement. Concrete gets stronger as it gets older. Portland cement is not a brand name, but the generic term for the type of cement used in virtually all concrete, just as stainless is a type of steel and sterling a type of silver. Cement comprises from 10 to 15 percent of the concrete mix, by volume. Through a process called hydration, the cement and water harden and bind the aggregates into a rocklike mass. This hardening process continues for years meaning that concrete gets stronger as it gets older. 
  • So, there is no such thing as a cement sidewalk, or a cement mixer; the proper terms are concrete sidewalk and concrete mixer. 
How is Portland cement made?
  • Materials that contain appropriate amounts of calcium compounds, silica, alumina and iron oxide are crushed and screened and placed in a rotating cement kiln. Ingredients used in this process are typically materials such as limestone, marl, shale, iron ore, clay, and fly ash. 
  • The kiln resembles a large horizontal pipe with a diameter of 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.1 meters) and a length of 300 feet (90 meters) or more. One end is raised slightly. The raw mix is placed in the high end and as the kiln rotates the materials move slowly toward the lower end. Flame jets are at the lower end and all the materials in the kiln are heated to high temperatures that range between 2700 and 3000 Fahrenheit (1480 and 1650 Celsius). This high heat drives off, or calcines, the chemically combined water and carbon dioxide from the raw materials and forms new compounds (tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate and tetra calcium aluminoferrite). For each ton of material that goes into the feed end of the kiln, two thirds of a ton the comes out the discharge end, called clinker. This clinker is in the form of marble sized pellets. The clinker is very finely ground to produce port land cement. A small amount of gypsum is added during the grinding process to control the cement’s set or rate of hardening. 
What does it mean to "cure" concrete?
  • Curing is one of the most important steps in concrete construction, because proper curing greatly increases concrete strength and durability. Concrete hardens as a result of hydration: the chemical reaction between cement and water. However, hydration occurs only if water is available and if the concrete’s temperature stays within a suitable range. During the curing period-from five to seven days after placement for conventional concrete-the concrete surface needs to be kept moist to permit the hydration process. new concrete can be wet with soaking hoses, sprinklers or covered with wet burlap, or can be coated with commercially available curing compounds, which seal in moisture.
Can it be too hot or too cold to place new concrete?
  • Temperature extremes make it difficult to properly cure concrete. On hot days, too much water is lost by evaporation from newly placed concrete. If the temperature drops too close to freezing, hydration slows to nearly a standstill. Under these conditions, concrete ceases to gain strength and other desirable properties. In general, the temperature of new concrete should not be allowed to fall below 50 Fahrenheit (10 Celsius) during the curing period.
What is air-entrained concrete?
  • Air-entrained concrete contains billions of microscopic air cells per cubic foot. These air pockets relieve internal pressure on the concrete by providing tiny chambers for water to expand into when it freezes. Air-entrained concrete is produced through the use of air-entraining portland cement, or by the introduction of air-entraining agents, under careful engineering supervision as the concrete is mixed on the job. The amount of entrained air is usually between 4 percent and 7 percent of the volume of the concrete, but may be varied as required by special conditions.
  • Good concrete can be obtained by using a wide variety of mix proportions if proper mix design procedures are used. A good general rule to use is the rule of 6’s: 
  • A minimum cement content of 6 bags per cubic yard of concrete, A maximum water content of 6 gallons per bag of cement, A curing period (keeping concrete moist) a minimum of 6 days, and An air content of 6 percent (if concrete will be subject to freezing and thawing)
Why test concrete?
  • Concrete is tested to ensure that the material that was specified and bought is the same material delivered to the job site. There are a dozen different test methods for freshly mixed concrete and at least another dozen tests for hardened concrete, not including test methods unique to organizations like the Army Corps of Engineers, the Federal Highway Administration, and state departments of transportation.
What are the most common tests for fresh concrete?
  • Slump, air content, unit weight and compressive strength tests are the most common tests. Slump is a measure of consistency, or relative ability of the concrete to flow. If the concrete can’t flow because the consistency or slump is too low, there are potential problems with proper consolidation. If the concrete won’t stop flowing because the slump is too high, there are potential problems with mortar loss through the formwork, excessive formwork pressures, finishing delays and segregation. Air content measures the total air content in a sample of fresh concrete, but does not indicate what the final inplace air content will be, because a certain amount of air is lost in transportation, consolidating, placement and finishing.
  • Three field tests are widely specified: the pressure meter and volumetric method are ASTM standards and the Chase Indicator is an AASHTO procedure. Unit weight measures the weight of a known volume of fresh concrete. Compressive strength is tested by pouring cylinders of fresh concrete and measuring the force needed to break the concrete cylinders at proscribed intervals as they harden. According to Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318), as long as no single test is more than 500 psi below the design strength and the average of three consecutive tests equals or exceeds the design strength then the concrete is acceptable. If the strength tests don’t meet these criteria, steps must be taken to raise the average.
How can you tell if you're getting the amount of concrete you're paying for?
  • The real indicator is the yield, or the actual volume produced based on the actual batch quantities of cement, water and aggregates. The unit weight test can be used to determine the yield of a sample of the ready mixed concrete as delivered. It’s a simple calculation that requires the unit weight of all materials batched. The total weight information may be shown on the delivery ticket or it can be provided by the producer. Many concrete producers actually over yield by about 1/2 percent to make sure they aren’t short-changing their customers. But other producers may not even realize that a mix designed for one cubic yard might only produce 26.5 cubic feet or 98 percent of what they designed.
How much does a truck loaded with concrete weigh?
  • Depending on the size as follows: – 6m3 truck 26 tons; 4m3 truck 18 tons; 3m3 truck 15.7 tons. Can I cancel a delivery once placed? Yes, provided we have not batched the concrete already. Generally, cancellations less than 2 hours before delivery may not be possible to cancel due to the above. 
How long do I have before the concrete sets?
  • Once the concrete arrives on site, you will normally have between 1 and 2 hours to place, level and compact the concrete and to finish the surface.
What am I responsible for if I place an order for a concrete pump?
  • You should ensure that the (agreed) area for the pump is accessible and clear for set up and access for the mixers. If possible, provide a bag of cement for grouting the line (otherwise we can provide another product at a small charge). Should there be nowhere available under your responsibility to wash out the hopper of the pump after finishing the pour, then you must provide a box 1.5m by 1.5m by 0.3m high lined with plastic that we can use. The waste is your responsibility to move and dispose of.
What happens if I have ordered too much concrete and have to send some back?
  • Provided the concrete can be remixed (and resold) in accordance with the time limits within our policy on returned concrete, there will be no charge, however we cannot always guarantee this and will advise you of this at the time. If we do have to bring back concrete and dispose of it, we will have to charge you for its disposal, which will cost £200 per m2. It would be better if you could pre-plan an area where you could use any excess.
How long do I have to offload the concrete?
  • We allow 30 minutes on site time included in our price, regardless of the load size. Any excess on site time is charged at £1.65 + VAT per minute, after 30 minutes.
What is the minimum width through which a mixer can access and how far to the chutes reach?
  • Provided the vehicle can turn in so that it is square to the entrance and provided there are no overhanging trees or other obstructions at height, the minimum width required is 2.7m or 8ft 10 inches. Please remember that in general, minimix trucks are the same width as larger trucks. They only differ in their shorter length and hence turning circle and manoeuvrability. The chutes reach approximately up to 2.4m from the back of the truck or 1.2m from the side of the truck.
How many wheelbarrows full are there in 1m3 of concrete?
  • Concrete FAQ’s 28  Although this depends on the size of the barrow and the degree of filling, there are generally between 20 and 24 wheelbarrows in a m3 of concrete. This concrete will weigh in the region of 100 – 120kgs (16 stone) which is more than the weight of an average man.
Will the driver of the mixer discharge into wheelbarrows & help to push the barrow or lay the concrete?
  • The driver will discharge into wheelbarrows; however, you should advise us of this at the time you place the order, otherwise you may cause delays to other customers. If you consider it necessary, you should protect pavements and roads in case of spillage. The driver will of course help to wash down this area after delivery, although we will not accept responsibility for cleaning any spillage. Unfortunately, our drivers are too busy operating the mixer to be able to help with the laying or barrow. 
What payment methods can be used?
  • Should you be in the building industry and a regular user, subject to satisfactory references, we can offer credit account facilities. Otherwise, we offer credit / debit card at order placement time and cash at point of delivery. We do however reserve the right to charge for credit card transactions.
What is ready mix concrete?
  • Ready mix concrete is pre-mixed to your bespoke specifications at one of our plants in Warmley, Cheddar, Newport & very soon Avon mouth and then delivered to you on site.
Why should I use ready mix concrete instead of a standard cement mix?
  • Our ready mix concrete is made under controlled conditions and with firstrate materials, ensuring you a high quality result. In addition, the use of ready mix concrete saves you time and is more environmentally friendly due to more efficient cement mixing. We can provide prescribed mixes, designated mixes and standardized prescribed concrete mixes, all to British Standards (BS8500-2).
How do I calculate how much ready mix concrete I need?
  • In order to calculate the volume of ready mix concrete required, use this formula: (Overall length x overall width x overall depth). Why not try our concrete volume calculator?
How much notice do I need to give when ordering concrete for when I want it?
  • For deliveries of 4m3 of ready mix concrete and under we try to offer a same day delivery service or, if this is not possible, a delivery window can be given for the next day. Giving notice further in advance means it is more likely that you will be able to choose your delivery slot. If you have an order above 4m3 and require a morning slot delivery (our busiest period), at least three days’ notice should enable you to choose your desired time slot. 
What preparation do I need to do?
  • Please seek your professional builder’s advice for any preparations you may need to undertake before using our services. For any other queries, contact us at Wright Minimix and we’d be happy to help.
What tools do I need to do DIY ready mixed concrete?
  • Wet concrete contains alkaline compounds which can irritate and burn exposed skin. Please wear suitable clothing and Personal Protective equipment i.e. safety gloves, eye protection, appropriate footwear etc. when using our ready mix concrete for DIY purposes.
How long does ready mix Concrete need to set?
  • Once water is added at the plant, the concrete will start to set. You will have on average between 1 and 2 hours to lay and level the ready mix concrete before work ability is greatly reduced.
Can weather conditions affect the ready mix concrete?
  • Yes, the air temperature at the time of batching must be 3 degrees and rising or the concrete will not be of a guaranteed quality. We would be happy to reschedule with you if this is the case.
What risks are there with the equipment used to supply ready mixed concrete on site?
  • With over 34 years of experience, our qualified team boast an excellent health and safety record that complies with trade standards, so you can rest assured that risk will be kept to a minimum throughout the concreting process.
My site has limited access, does this mean I can’t get ready mix concrete installed?
  • As owners of the UK’s largest concrete pump, as well as a large variety of pumps to fit all scenarios, we consider no site unreachable.
Are there any more sustainable options available in the delivery of my concrete?
  • If you seek a more sustainable concrete ready mix delivery option than a concrete pump, you could use a wheelbarrow or a dumper. Alternatively, if you have a 9ft width clearance and no access problems, you can use our 9ft (3m) chute to straight tip the concrete off. Bear in mind that we only allow 30 minutes to offload before we begin charging additional fees.
Are there quality standards for ready mix concrete?
  • Yes, we are BSI accredited, which is proof of our commitment to the best standards for our ready mix.
What is the minimum amount of ready mix concrete I can order?
  • This will depend on the delivery area and whether our plants in Warmley, Cheddar, Newport and Avenmouth are producing the ready mix concrete using a weight scale truck. If this is the case, the minimum is 0.2m3. Your order will then be delivered on the back of another delivery in roughly the same area, with a similar slump size. Therefore, due to time constraints on our concrete, we can only offer a narrow delivery window in these cases. 
  • If concrete is required out of the area, we are able to use alternative concrete suppliers, but they will only deliver 1m3 and above. If you have any questions or concerns about this, our team would be more than happy to discuss this with you.
What is Concrete Pumping?
  • A concrete pump is a machine used for transferring liquid concrete by pumping; it essentially transports wet ready mixed concrete to the pour location. At Wrights Minimix, we offer a range of boom pumps for ease of delivery, including the largest concrete pump in the UK at 62m. We also offer a boom less mini pump for those difficult to reach areas, similar to a ground line pump. 
  • By taking advantage of concrete pumping, your ready mix concrete can be placed exactly where you need it to be.
Why Should I choose Wright Minimix?
  • When you hire a concrete pump from Wright Minimix, you also get a fully trained concrete pump operator, as the majority of our operators are CPCS qualified. This is a nationally recognized qualification, and all our pump operators are highly experienced and can provide you with information and advice on how and where to place the concrete pump machine.
Which areas do you cover?
  • We deliver to a number of areas throughout The South, Wales, and Midlands. If you are outside of one of our areas, we can cross hire pumps on our behalf in order to meet demand.
What is a Wright mini pump?
  • Our innovative mini pump is a ground line pump, where 40m of piping (unless you require more) is laid along the ground to where the concrete needs to be pumped. When affixed to scaffolding, this pump is also capable of pumping concrete over 100m vertically and 200m horizontally.
How does a Wright Minimix concrete pump work?
  • Our concrete pump arrives and once set up, the concrete only needs to be called before pumping can begin.
What information do I need to find out before I hire a concrete pump?
  • If one of our mini pumps is required, we need to know how much piping line is required to reach the furthest point of the pour location. The standard kit length for our mini pump is 40m, though we can supply extra line for an added cost. 
  • If you are concerned about anything, our team will be more than happy to answer any enquiries, or check out our concrete pump terms and conditions of supply and hire page for more information.
What do I do about waste?
  • Please note that it is the customer’s responsibility to provide a suitable area or washout receptacle for our pump hopper (which contains product leftovers) on site. Waste disposal is not a part of the service that we provide. The pipe line will also require cement for grouting before pumping can begin.
What do I need to do to ensure a safe and efficient concrete pumping process?
  • Some things are simply environmental factors outside of your control. There must be suitable ground conditions for our pumping vehicles and wind speeds must be within safe limits. 
  • You can ensure our concrete pumping process is safe and efficient by clearing obstructions over the placing area and around the site.
How far can you pump concrete to my site/property?
  • We have a broad range of concrete pumps available, from 20m boom pumps to the largest concrete pump in the UK, with a 62m reach. We have ground line mini pumps which come with a 40m standard kit, or, for additional charges, extra line can be organized if needed. When affixed to scaffolding, this can also pump over 100m vertically and 200m horizontally. We really have every requirement covered here at Wright Minimix.
How much can Wright Minimix deliver to my site?
  • Concrete can be delivered in any quantity of 1m3 and above.
Accessing my property is tricky, would I benefit from a concrete pump?
  • Yes, a concrete pump allows you to access areas that require concrete placing by using extensive reach pipes. It saves time and reduces manpower, making it more cost effective. Our mini pump excels at reaching sites too difficult for even wheelbarrows and boom pumps to handle.
How long does it take to pump concrete?
  • This depends on the concrete pump being used. For example, our mini pump can pump up to 2
What is the minimum amount of concrete I can order?
  • This depends on the size of pump required for your order, though the standard minimum amount is 1m3. Please contact our team for more advice on delivery options and pump selection.  4m3 an hour, whereas our largest boom pump at 62m has the capacity to pump 180m3 an hour.
How do we arrive at the exact quantity of concrete required at our site?
  • Your architect/engineers need to work out the grade-wise concrete requirements and communicate the same to our plant. They are the right people and are in a better position to decide the quantities required. Concrete is generally specified in terms of the 28-day compressive strength and workability (usually slump) at placement point. These two are basic minimum requirements for us to design concrete mixes for you. We will ensure that concretes in accurate quantity and appropriate quality are delivered to your satisfaction.
What is minimum quantity of ready-mix concrete that can be order?
  • As we supply concrete by Transit Mixtures having capacity of 7 Cubic meter, minimum quantity of concrete to be ordered should not be less than 7 Cubic meter. If pumping of concrete is required, minimum ordered quantity should be 25 Cubic meter to avoide extra charges. 
How is Concrete supplied at site?
  • Transportation of readymix concrete to site is done in a transit mixer which is capable of mixing the concrete en route.
How can we ensure that your transit mixer actually carries the correct quantity as claimed in your delivery docket?
  • We are a professionally managed ready-mixed concrete company, operating a fully automated and computerized batching system with the help of highly motivated personnel trained to control all process parameters carefully. Production data is automatically recorded and stored electronically in plantbased computers and can be retrieved and verified whenever you wish to do so. 
  • Our plant has a weighbridge and all incoming materials are accurately weighed before being stored. Similarly, transit mixers carrying concrete are weighed from time to time to verify the accuracy of the material being supplied to various sites. You may visit our plant with prior appointment and verify the weights of the outgoing trucks on random basis. 
  • Further, we measure the plastic density of fresh concrete from time to time and match the same with the theoretical density. In case of any noticeable discrepancy in the two values, immediate action is taken to rectify errors, if any. Last, but not the least, our Company has an unblemished reputation of adhering to ethical practices. Hence, you may safely trust us for your quantities.
What is the Maximum time allowed to unload concrete at site?
  • Maximum time allowed to unload concrete is half an hour after reaching at site. If the vehicle is detained for more than above specified time after reaching at site, retention Charges will be applied on your account for each hour of delay.
What buyer have to do at the time of placing concrete?
  • Our scope is restricted to supply ready-mix concrete as per your requirement, the responsibility remains with buyer for placing, finishing and curing of concrete. Buyers have to keep vibrator and other needed equipments ready before delivery.
  • It is buyer’s responsibility to provide good serviceable roads up to your site and to arrange for avoiding contact with upper electric, phone, cable lines etc.
What type of formwork required for ready-mix concrete?
  • It is preferable to use system formwork. Also the shuttering should be proper enough to withstand pumping pressure. Any loss of material, damages to any equipments, injury or loss to human life would be at buyers responsibility.
Upto what height and length, concrete can be pumped?
  • It depends on pump capacity. We can manage to pump concrete upto vertically 75 meters height and horizontally 100 meters length.
What is the laps time between mixing of concrete at plant and placing of concrete at site?
  • Generally 3 to 4 hours. However initial setting time can be delayed as per requirement by adding retarder / plasticizers dosage. 
Use of chemical admixtures and compressive strength?
  • Chemical admixtures with retarder and plasticizer are used in concrete to increase workability and strength.
What is the ideal time for placing concrete?
  • We suggest you to prefer concreting at early morning or at evening to avoid shrinkage cracks to an extent. Because environmental conditions conductive to high evaporation rates such as low humidity, high temperature, direct sun light and drying winds on a concrete surface cause rapid surface drying resulting in cracking.
How strength of concrete can be determined?
  • Concrete cube moulds having size 15x15x15 cms are casted with sample concrete, cured in water tank for 7 and 28 days and crushed in compressive testing machine at 7 and 28 days to measure compressive strength of concrete. 
What will happen if shape of aggregates used in concrete is not rounded/cubical?
  • If the shape of aggregates used in concrete is not rounded (or) cubical the interlocking of aggregate in concrete will not be proper and strength of concrete will decrease. If the aggregates are elongated (or) flaky the strength of concrete will be seriously affected and concrete will become porous. In hywel ready-mix concrete the 20 mm & 10 mm aggregates are properly checked for elongation or flakiness and their quantity is restricted within the limits of BIS standards, to get cohesive & durable concrete.
What is the importance of testing concrete?
  • The concrete has to be tested to know the strength of concrete at 28 days for each desired grade. Usually the concrete at site is not tested for its strength, workability, yield and other factors that ensure the performance of concrete over a period of time. However in hywel ready-mix concrete, the samples of concrete are tested for every batch to ensure consistent quality and supply of durable concrete.