Aparna RMC

Aparna ready mix concrete


Environmentally friendly concrete that uses puzzolanic material such as Fly Ash / GGBS and offers lower heat of hydration.

Eco-friendly, compound resistant and durable

Aparna RMC manufactures AstraGlowCrete - a concrete with a blend of cement and Ground Granulated Blast furnace slag (GGBS) or Fly Ash. AstraGlowCrete is suitable for raft foundations and has sheen with much less chances of cracks owing to its lower heat of hydration.


Ready mix concrete for convention centres
Aparna RMC for Residential projects
Ready mix concrete for Foundations


Aparna RMC is a part of Aparna Enterprises Limited, which initially started as a business in ceramic tile distribution, today stands tall as a pioneer in multiple business ventures. Aparna RMC is known for consistent quality and timely delivery with a strong, customizable, versatile, and durable texture. Aparna RMC operates around 27 plants in different locations with a well-trained and skilled workforce, innovative processes, and a modern new-generation feet.

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